Anyway Jason and Julia picked me up at Sarah's today, I was there for another 5 days. That's unintentionally been the pattern, 5 days there, 2 home. I hope it stays like that too. The more time I spend with her the better.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
21st Century Breakdown
I got the new Green Day cd and I like it a lot. It's like 70 minutes long which is awesome, I love albums that are at least over a half hour long. It's no American Idiot or Dookie but it's good.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mr. Show is on
The past 2 weeks since I've been home I've pretty much entirely spent in Cape Cod at Sarah's. I love going there and spending time with her. I woke up today and my whole body was is pain and I had a headache, but once I took a shower and some ibuprofen I was fine. I think I will be off probation this Thursday, finally four years of that is up. But it might not be over that day so yeah, I don't know. My cat has a tumor and is going to die. Fuck. I think I'm going to Rendini's again tonight with Jason.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's 82 degrees outside...
If it could just be 65-70 degrees all year, I would never complain about a single thing ever again. I know even hotter days are in store for us in the summer, but it is just too hot to enjoy anything. I don't even want to move because I know I will start sweating ridiculously.
Anyway, I went to Sarah's on Tuesday and stayed until Saturday. It was a great time, I'm going back this Tuesday for a few days too. Last night me and Jason went to Rendini's with Fors and hung out for a while. We also went to Fors' and were plotting to shoot fireworks at a party across the street but by the time we got the fireworks and went back, everyone had left the party. We went to 24 hour walmart too out of boredom. I don't know what I'm doing today. I want to go to the Bridgewater Triangle.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
and then we all sing "ooo-ooooo!"

So I just discovered the greatest song ever written. It is definitely my favorite song of all time. "Until The Stars Fall From The Sky" written by Mark Hoppus.
Anyway I'm home now, after 20 minutes of being back I already was ready to leave and go somewhere else. I don't get people getting homesick. I can understand missing individuals but yeah, it's different when there's nothing really that special back home for me to miss that much.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Louis Ck

Tonight I saw Louis Ck with Jason, Julia, Dan, Keith, Bubby, Little Jon and Rendini. It was "Hilarious" just like he promised. I wish we stayed for the encore though but we had already almost left the building when he came back on stage. Do comedians usually have encores? Well, he went on for about 30+ minutes after we left. Now I have to buy the DVD when it comes out to see what I missed. Thank you Julia for buying the tickets, I will pay you back eventually, here it is in writing so you can hold me to it.
So tonight I'm just packing my things because we leave tomorrow. I can't wait, I've been looking forward to this for so long. I have to go through all the new merch and count it tomorrow too which will be fun. I have a spreadsheet on my laptop for every day or tour to keep track of merch. I'm so tired, I got like 4 hours of sleep last "night". I stayed in the cape with Sarah last night but we stayed up until like 8am and barely slept. It was fun though. Time to eat pizza now, I haven't eaten in a couple days besides potato chips or something. Whatever it doesn't even really seem to affect me that much.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A little death makes life more meaningful.
People just flat out shouldn't fake being nice. Then they end up saying things they don't mean and put themselves and others in uncomfortable situations which neither of the people want to be in.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
So here's your holiday...

I'm going to Roe's in a few with Bubby and Sick. Al might come too but he hasn't made up his mind yet. I've been going to Rendini's with Jason the past few nights, and staying up til 6am at least. It's always fun going there. Hmm, went out to eat with Jason, Julia, my dad and step mom tonight that was alright. Found out my dad is also going to see Louis Ck and is sitting in the same section as us so that'll be cool. Yeah nothing too exciting has been going on, I'm pretty much just waiting for the day to leave for tour.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Yesterday was Little Jon's 18th birthday, we/he had a party. A ton of his friends were here and they are all hilarious, it was a really good time. I didn't go to BMTH because no one would drive me but oh well I'm definitely going Monday so that'll be good. I hope Josh can save me some Rockstar Guava's. Today I woke up around 1230 and just laid in bed for a while. Then I went to my mom's because my uncle Jim that I haven't seen/was missing for 11 years came to visit, so that was cool to hang out with him. My mom got RIDICULOUSLY drunk and was literally falling down knocking everything over, so I left. Now I'm home, played a few games of mario baseball, listening to Blink 182 and just relaxing. I think I'm staying in for the night. Tomorrow I have no plans, but at least I have Monday to look forward too.
Monday, February 23, 2009
BMTH this Friday...

I went to Brooklyn, Ny with Energy yesterday. That was pretty cool because I don't do anything ever. It kind of just made me wish tour was happening already. Anyway, Bring Me The Horizon is this Friday and Monday so I'm fucking amped for that. I haven't even left the house in so long, besides yesterday. People are always here though so it doesn't matter that much. I just wish it wasn't so cold anymore. I want to be able to go outside and go for walks, or play basketball or baseball. Anything like that would be nice, but no it's fucking freezing. Whatever, there's actually been more to read on the internet lately than usual. I've been checking up on Tom Delonge's video blog, Mark Hoppus' blog, and a lot of their sites/fan-sites. So hearing news about them and their recording process is awesome. They're 6 songs deep into the new cd and said they're picking up right where they left off with the self-titled cd. I can't choose a favorite Blink cd, Self-titled and Take Off Your Pants And Jacket are usually the two I get stuck with.
I've also been searching so damn hard for the new Earth Crisis cd, I got one song and it's awesome. But I cannot wait to hear the rest of that cd. It comes out in May but I clearly can't wait that long so I'm going to download it as soon as I can. I'll definitely buy the cd when it's out too.
Thursday, February 19, 2009

I can't wait for tour. For some reason I feel like it's going to be 100x better than the last few times. I don't know why, but I'm really excited. Maybe it's because I'll be away for a long time, and seeing new places and stuff like that. I'm going to video tape pretty much the entire tour. Van rides, gas station stops, supermarket trips, shows, after shows, hotel rooms, other places we stay, etc. I can tell a shit load of funny stuff is going to happen so I need to catch it all. Who knows maybe it will all be made into a dvd or just a youtube thing. I watched Blink 182's "The Urethra Chronicles" today and laughed my ass off. I can't believe how funny childish humor still is. Writing "FUCK" in huge letters and lighting it on fire as a banner behind them as they perform, fucking genius. What makes it better is they're adults. I really hope I'm still childish and immature when I'm older. I'm sure I will be.
I am currently listening to the Classics Of Love e.p. It's really, really fucking good. Jesse Michaels is a genius. He has never written a bad song. It sounds just like Common Rider which is awesome. I hope Energy gets to play with them on this tour, that'd be really cool to see Jesse play and to hang out with and talk to him.
Bring Me The Horizon is coming up soon too, Feb 27th and March 2nd. I can't wait to see them again for a 7th and 8th time. Plus Four Year Strong is paying so it'll be cool to chill with Josh. Besides those 2 shows there isn't much to look forward to until tour. Louis Ck is doing a show the day before, March 14th and that will be "Hilarious". Yeah fuck you.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Funny, Tour, Poo

I will be with Energy on this tour and I'm pretty pumped for it. I don't know why but I think this will be the most fun ever. I'm video taping alot of our time in the van, at the shows, after the shows, where ever we are staying, wawa, cali, florida, delaware, whatever. So I will be posting videos on here alot when that time comes. Hopefully I will have some of my T-shirt designs done by this tour so I can sell them and make some money for myself. I should be able to get them done, there's a month til the tour and all I need is a certain marker to finish them and then scan them and send them to Josh or finish them myself.
Here are the dates, shows, venues, etc.
Mar 15 Defeater, Energy
Holyoke, MA @ Water Front Tavern
Address: 920 Main St. Holyoke MA
Mar 16 Defeater, Energy
Poughkeepsie, NY @ The Loft
Address: 6 Crannel St. Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Mar 17 Defeater, Energy
Long Island, NY @ Blackbox Theater
Address: 1947 Jericho Turnpike, East Northport NY 11731
Mar 18 Defeater, Energy
Freehold, NJ @ Freehold VFW
Address: 50 Waterworks, Freehold NJ 07728
Mar 19 Defeater, Energy
Philadelphia, PA @ House Show
Address: 5006 Cedar Ave. Philadelphia PA
Mar 20 Defeater, Energy
Albans, WV @ The Brickhouse
Address: 52 Olde Main Plaza, St. Albans WV 25177
Mar 21 Defeater, Energy
Harrisonburg, VA @ The Deathstar House
Address: 321 E. Elizabeth St. Harrisonburg VA 22801
Mar 22 Defeater, Energy
Wilmington, NC @ The Soapbox
Address: 255 North Front Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
Mar 23 Defeater, Energy
Charleston, SC @ The Oasis
Address: 778 Folly Rd. Charleston SC 29412
Mar 24 Defeater, Energy
Jacksonville, FL @ The Pit
Address: 14003 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville FL
Mar 25 Defeater, Energy
Fort Meyer, FL @ Rockstarz
Address: 3557 Fowler St. Fort Meyer FL 33901
Mar 26 Defeater, Energy
Tampa, FL @ Transitions
Address: 4215 East Columbus Drive, Tampa FL 33605
Mar 27 Defeater, Energy
Douglasville, GE @ The 7 Venue
Address: 5975 A Fairburn Rd, Douglasville, Ga 30135
Mar 28 Defeater, Energy
Birmingham, AL @ Cave 9
Address: 105 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. Birmingham AL
Mar 29 Defeater, Energy
Claremore, OK @ King of Clubs
Address: 320 W. Will Rogers Blvd, Claremore, Ok 74017
Mar 30 Defeater, Energy
Dallas, TX @ The Max
Address: 13300 Branch View, Dallas TX
Mar 31 Defeater, Energy
El Paso, TX @ Chic's Bar
Address: 9809 Montana Ave, El Paso, Tx 79935
Apr 02 Defeater, Energy
Mesa, AZ @ Badlands Music Venue
Address: 5626 E. Main St. Mesa AZ 85205
Apr 03 Defeater, Energy
Thousand Palms, CA @ TP Venue
Address: 31280 Sierra De Sol, Thousand Palms CA 92276
Apr 04 Defeater, Energy
San Diego, CA @ Pacific Beach Music Theater
Address: 1277 Garnet Ave, San Diego, Ca 92109
Apr 05 Defeater, Energy
Canoga Park, CA @ Cobalt Cafe
Address: 22047 Sherman Way Canoga Park, CA 91303
Apr 06 Defeater, Energy
Fresno, CA @ The Knights Hall
Address: 2540 E.Floradora Ave, Fresno, Ca
Apr 08 Defeater, Energy
Tacoma, WA @ Viaduct
Address: 5412 S.Tacoma Way, Tacoma WA 98409
Apr 09 Defeater, Energy
Twin Falls, ID @ DAV Hall
Address: 459 Shoup Ave. Twin Falls ID 83301
Apr 10 Defeater, Energy
Salt Lake City, UT @ Baxters House Of Coffee
Address: 1615 South State St. Salt Lake City, UT
Apr 11 Defeater, Energy
Denver, CO @ Blast-O-Mat
Address: 2935 W. 7th Ave. Denver CO 80204
Apr 12 Defeater, Energy
Lincoln, NE @ Ghost House
Address: 2430 P St, Lincoln, Ne 68503
Apr 13 Defeater, Energy
Merriam, KS @ Mission Theater Lounge
Address: 5509 Johnson Dr. Merriam KS 66202
Apr 14 Defeater, Energy
St.Louis, MO @ The Wedge
Address: 442 Bates St. St. Louis MO 63111
Apr 15 Defeater, Energy
Metamora, IL @ Johnny's
Address: 110 East Mt. Vernon Metamora, IL
Apr 16 Defeater, Energy
Romeo, MI @ Static Age
Address: 104 S. Main St. Romeo MI
Apr 17 Defeater, Energy
Rochester, PA @ Blue Violet Cafe
Address: 156 Brighton Ave. Rochester PA 15074
Apr 18 Defeater, Energy
Worcester, MA @ Palladium
Address: 261 Main St. Worcester MA 01608
On the other hand, I've come to realize that shitting anywhere besides a toilet is fucking gold. Hilarious right off the bat no matter who you are, where you do it, or who/what it is on.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Perfect Cd's
Here is a list of cd's that I think are %100 perfect in every way.
Rancid - ...And Out Come The Wolves, Let's Go
Green Day - Dookie
Carry On - A Life Less Plagued
Bad Religion - No Control, The Process Of Belief
Blink 182 - Enema Of The State, Take Off Your Pants And Jacket, Self-Titled
Comeback Kid - Wake The Dead
Common Rider - Last Wave Rockers, This Is Unity Music
Earth Crisis - Destroy The Machines, All Out War, Firestorm
River City Rebels - Racism, Religion And War
Go It Alone - Vancouver Gold
AFI - Sing The Sorrow, The Art Of Drowning, Black Sails In The Sunset
The Hope Conspiracy - Cold Blue, Death Knows Your Name, Endnote, File.03
Less Than Jake - Hello Rockview
xfilesx - Excruciation
Martyr A.D. - On Earth As It Is In Hell
The Misfits - Static Age, Famous Monsters, Walk Among Us, Earth A.D.
No Warning - Ill Blood
With Honor - Heart Means Everything
Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season
One King Down - Bloodlust Revenge
Operation Ivy - Energy
Ramallah - ...But A Whimper
Sinners And Saints - The Sky Is Falling
Street Dogs - Savin Hill
Sworn In - Self-Titled
Terror - Lowest Of The Low
Throwdown - Beyond Repair
White Zombie - Astro-Creep 2000
Weezer - Blue Album
As you can see I started listing of the top of my head and then went down my itunes list which is why they start to sort of get in alphabetical order.
Rancid - ...And Out Come The Wolves, Let's Go
Green Day - Dookie
Carry On - A Life Less Plagued
Bad Religion - No Control, The Process Of Belief
Blink 182 - Enema Of The State, Take Off Your Pants And Jacket, Self-Titled
Comeback Kid - Wake The Dead
Common Rider - Last Wave Rockers, This Is Unity Music
Earth Crisis - Destroy The Machines, All Out War, Firestorm
River City Rebels - Racism, Religion And War
Go It Alone - Vancouver Gold
AFI - Sing The Sorrow, The Art Of Drowning, Black Sails In The Sunset
The Hope Conspiracy - Cold Blue, Death Knows Your Name, Endnote, File.03
Less Than Jake - Hello Rockview
xfilesx - Excruciation
Martyr A.D. - On Earth As It Is In Hell
The Misfits - Static Age, Famous Monsters, Walk Among Us, Earth A.D.
No Warning - Ill Blood
With Honor - Heart Means Everything
Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season
One King Down - Bloodlust Revenge
Operation Ivy - Energy
Ramallah - ...But A Whimper
Sinners And Saints - The Sky Is Falling
Street Dogs - Savin Hill
Sworn In - Self-Titled
Terror - Lowest Of The Low
Throwdown - Beyond Repair
White Zombie - Astro-Creep 2000
Weezer - Blue Album
As you can see I started listing of the top of my head and then went down my itunes list which is why they start to sort of get in alphabetical order.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Adding some more shows...
Adding some more shows to my list of best shows ever.
1/27/07 Earth Crisis at Sonar in Baltimore
2/11/06 The Hope Conspiracy at Club Lido in Revere, Ma
All of these are at the ICC in Allston, Ma for the most part
4/15 2003 Terror, Ramallah, Embrace Today
6/13 2003 Converge, Bleeding Through, Underoath
7/8 2003 Hope Conspiracy, Stretch Arm Strong, Norma Jean, Evergreen Terrace
9/13 2003 Bane, Mental, Striking Distance, The Promise, Comeback Kid
10/11 2003 Suicide File Last Show, Hope Conspiracy, The Promise
11/29 2003 Some Kind of Hate, Outbreak, Think I Care, The Distance
2/7 2004 Death Threat, Comeback Kid, Blacklisted, Black My Heart
7/10 2004 Agnostic Front, Most Precious Blood, With Honor
7/22 2004 Comeback Kid, Champion, Outbreak, Some Kind of Hate, Stand Accused, With Honor
11/6 2004 Bane, Mental, Righteous Jams, Some Kind of Hate, Stand Accused
2/11 2005 Strike Anywhere, With Honor, The Loved Ones
3/5 2005 Bane, Comeback Kid
3/16 2005 7Seconds, Champion
2/29/08 Earth Crisis at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma
9/15/02 Skatefest - Andrew Wk, Boy Sets Fire, Bury Your Dead, From Autumn To Ashes, Glassjaw, Reach The Sky, The Juliana Theory, The Unseen, Unearth, American Nightmare, Bleeding Through, There Were Wires, The Hope Conspiracy, etc at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma
12/10/08 Bring Me The Horizon, On Broken Wings at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma.
11/7/08 Bring Me The Horizon, Misery Signals, On Broken Wings at Lupo's in Providence, RI.
8/8/99 The Misfits, Ignite, Reach The Sky at Lupo's in Providence, RI.
10/26/02 Slapshot, Blood For Blood, Converge, Stars And Stripes, No Warning, Impact, Panic, Count Me Out, Reach The Sky
5/28/02 Blink 182, Green Day, Saves The Day at the Tweeter Center, Mansfield, Ma
I can't figure out the date of these...
The Hope Conspiracy in Brockton, Ma
Embrace Today, Ramallah, Righteous Jams, in Brockton, Ma
Set Your Goals in Brockton, Ma
Go It Alone in Brockton, Ma/Worcester, Ma (last MA show)
Set Your Goals in Allston, Ma
There's plenty more I can't think of, but those are definitely the best of my life.
I wish shows were half this good anymore...
1/27/07 Earth Crisis at Sonar in Baltimore
2/11/06 The Hope Conspiracy at Club Lido in Revere, Ma
All of these are at the ICC in Allston, Ma for the most part
4/15 2003 Terror, Ramallah, Embrace Today
6/13 2003 Converge, Bleeding Through, Underoath
7/8 2003 Hope Conspiracy, Stretch Arm Strong, Norma Jean, Evergreen Terrace
9/13 2003 Bane, Mental, Striking Distance, The Promise, Comeback Kid
10/11 2003 Suicide File Last Show, Hope Conspiracy, The Promise
11/29 2003 Some Kind of Hate, Outbreak, Think I Care, The Distance
2/7 2004 Death Threat, Comeback Kid, Blacklisted, Black My Heart
7/10 2004 Agnostic Front, Most Precious Blood, With Honor
7/22 2004 Comeback Kid, Champion, Outbreak, Some Kind of Hate, Stand Accused, With Honor
11/6 2004 Bane, Mental, Righteous Jams, Some Kind of Hate, Stand Accused
2/11 2005 Strike Anywhere, With Honor, The Loved Ones
3/5 2005 Bane, Comeback Kid
3/16 2005 7Seconds, Champion
2/29/08 Earth Crisis at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma
9/15/02 Skatefest - Andrew Wk, Boy Sets Fire, Bury Your Dead, From Autumn To Ashes, Glassjaw, Reach The Sky, The Juliana Theory, The Unseen, Unearth, American Nightmare, Bleeding Through, There Were Wires, The Hope Conspiracy, etc at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma
12/10/08 Bring Me The Horizon, On Broken Wings at the Palladium in Worcester, Ma.
11/7/08 Bring Me The Horizon, Misery Signals, On Broken Wings at Lupo's in Providence, RI.
8/8/99 The Misfits, Ignite, Reach The Sky at Lupo's in Providence, RI.
10/26/02 Slapshot, Blood For Blood, Converge, Stars And Stripes, No Warning, Impact, Panic, Count Me Out, Reach The Sky
5/28/02 Blink 182, Green Day, Saves The Day at the Tweeter Center, Mansfield, Ma
I can't figure out the date of these...
The Hope Conspiracy in Brockton, Ma
Embrace Today, Ramallah, Righteous Jams, in Brockton, Ma
Set Your Goals in Brockton, Ma
Go It Alone in Brockton, Ma/Worcester, Ma (last MA show)
Set Your Goals in Allston, Ma
There's plenty more I can't think of, but those are definitely the best of my life.
I wish shows were half this good anymore...

I went to the mall today with Devin and Dcap. Two of the funniest people I know so it was an awesome time. For the past 6 months I haven't listened to much besides Blink 182 and I plan on keeping in that way for the rest of my life because why would I choose to listen to something else when I know I can listen to something better. I am pretty sure I'm going on tour with Energy in March, and seeing Louis Ck the day before we leave by the way, but I have a meeting with probation March 26th and I'll be in Tampa Florida and I'd clearly rather be there than in a meeting with probation. So I'll call the day before and say I can't make it because I'm deathly ill. I'm pretty excited to go to California and out west more. I've only been all over the east coast and a little bit in the middle. Anyway I got a sweet Ramones shirt at the mall today, and I got the Shai Hulud shirt shown above today. Tomorrow is Blink 182 day so I have to wear my Blink shirt and only listen to them....again. Actually right now I'm listening to Avoid One Thing because someone on B9 was making fun of them so I had to remind myself how good they are.
Fuck you.
Oh and watch this it could be the funniest, most genius thing I've ever seen.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Reunion and new cd?!
This could be the best news in the history of music.
Also April 21st, the new Earth Crisis album comes out.
This year also has a new Set Your Goals, Hope Con,
Most Precious Blood, possibly Bring Me The Horizon, Energy?!
Looks like a pretty damn good year.
Aside from flipping out about all that news, recently I haven't done anything.
Every day is the same, the same people come over every day.
Tony works so fucking much, I don't understand why or how he does it.
I might be printing some T-shirts and selling them
they could be Energy shirts or they could be something else.
I'm pretty excited about doing that, it's a way for me to make money
and to sell shirts for them, or whatever I do it for.
There might be some good things coming involving a girl
so I'm excited about that as well.
But yeah, Blink 182 is reuniting so everything is good
no matter what.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Seinfeld just finished downloading yesterday. I put each season in folders and stuff. It's pretty awesome, now when I'm bored which is "every second of every day" I can just watch some seinfeld.
Party tomorrow!
Party tomorrow!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
I can't stop listening to Blink 182.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head
I went to Melrose to see Vanna tonight with Devin, Black Metal, and Bainter. I had a pretty good time, Josh and Jocelyn were there and I spent most of the time hanging out with them. Vanna played a short set which I was bummed about but they played a few new songs and they sounded awesome.
I said I'd post some drawings in here but the last couple of days I've been way too lazy to find a working scanner. I will probably do that tomorrow, I have nothing else to do. You'd think I would be going crazy or feel useless because I don't work and don't do anything but I don't. I would like a part-time job though. Or even a full time job, I have nothing else to do and could be making money with my time, so maybe I'll look for a job. I hate working more than anything though, so maybe I won't.
About %90 of all current bands really, really suck. There hasn't been a new band that I've been excited about in like 4 years. The last band I remember hearing for the first time and being really excited about is Set Your Goals when they had their first demo out. Kids need to stop starting shitty bands. Just step back and think for a second, ask yourself if you really have it in you to write GOOD music because the answer is most likely no. I don't understand how these bands write the songs they do, and say "Yeah that's good, let's record it and put out a record. It'll do good" whatever.
I said I'd post some drawings in here but the last couple of days I've been way too lazy to find a working scanner. I will probably do that tomorrow, I have nothing else to do. You'd think I would be going crazy or feel useless because I don't work and don't do anything but I don't. I would like a part-time job though. Or even a full time job, I have nothing else to do and could be making money with my time, so maybe I'll look for a job. I hate working more than anything though, so maybe I won't.
About %90 of all current bands really, really suck. There hasn't been a new band that I've been excited about in like 4 years. The last band I remember hearing for the first time and being really excited about is Set Your Goals when they had their first demo out. Kids need to stop starting shitty bands. Just step back and think for a second, ask yourself if you really have it in you to write GOOD music because the answer is most likely no. I don't understand how these bands write the songs they do, and say "Yeah that's good, let's record it and put out a record. It'll do good" whatever.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Fuck it
Michale Graves era Misfits is better than Danzig era.... Yup. Fuck you Jason. And Samhain sucks and Danzig 1 and 2 are his worst cd's. No but really, I think the Michale Graves thing is true.
Today I went to the mall with TT, Sas and Dave. Good time, TT spent $80 on tea. Tea. $80. Yes. After the mall I went to Little Jon's basketball game with Jack, Bubby, Sas, Dave, TT, Sick, and Bob. That was hilarious. The whole time we were screaming, jumping around cheering, going nuts for Little. It was awesome.
We also watched Pineapple Express tonight, and that was pretty funny. I was expecting to be let down for some reason but James Franco was fucking hilarious in that. He played his role really good. It's not too hard to play a stoner retard, but he did it better than anyone I've seen try.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Vanna with Devin. That should be fun, I haven't seen them in a long time.
Today I went to the mall with TT, Sas and Dave. Good time, TT spent $80 on tea. Tea. $80. Yes. After the mall I went to Little Jon's basketball game with Jack, Bubby, Sas, Dave, TT, Sick, and Bob. That was hilarious. The whole time we were screaming, jumping around cheering, going nuts for Little. It was awesome.
We also watched Pineapple Express tonight, and that was pretty funny. I was expecting to be let down for some reason but James Franco was fucking hilarious in that. He played his role really good. It's not too hard to play a stoner retard, but he did it better than anyone I've seen try.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Vanna with Devin. That should be fun, I haven't seen them in a long time.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I remember a couple years ago when the complete Seinfeld boxset came out, it was $200. I had it in my left hand and had $200 in my right hand. I didn't buy it and it has since been the biggest regret in my entire life...
Just a few minutes ago I realized, I can download it. Fuck yes. I'm a fucking genius for thinking of doing this. It's 30 gigs, but it's well worth it.
I can't wait. It is seriously the best thing ever shown on television.
oh cool new president.... shut up
Who gives a shit? Not me. But I don't really give a shit about anything so whatever. Jason and Rendini say I'm a true nihilist, and that's the name of the new Hope Conspiracy e.p. Sweeeettt.

Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season...
I really wish more of my friends were into them. They are seriously one of the best bands going right now. Earth Crisis, Set Your Goals and Bring Me The Horizon are the only bands I actually care about. That cd though, is so much different from their older cd's. Alot catchier and less death metalish or deathcore or whatever retarded thing it was called. I love their older cd's still, but this blows them away. They are also one of the tightest bands live I've ever seen. I even got Dan Mancini to bob his head to it, that to me seems like quite the feat.
I should have some rough, pencil and pen drawings posted sometime tomorrow. I feel like I didn't learn a damn thing about photoshop or illustrator in school. I need to use the programs and re-teach myself how to use them. I have photoshop, I just need illustrator. Once I get that down I can make so many more designs and actually make an attempt at making some money off of them. Cool.
Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season...
I really wish more of my friends were into them. They are seriously one of the best bands going right now. Earth Crisis, Set Your Goals and Bring Me The Horizon are the only bands I actually care about. That cd though, is so much different from their older cd's. Alot catchier and less death metalish or deathcore or whatever retarded thing it was called. I love their older cd's still, but this blows them away. They are also one of the tightest bands live I've ever seen. I even got Dan Mancini to bob his head to it, that to me seems like quite the feat.
I should have some rough, pencil and pen drawings posted sometime tomorrow. I feel like I didn't learn a damn thing about photoshop or illustrator in school. I need to use the programs and re-teach myself how to use them. I have photoshop, I just need illustrator. Once I get that down I can make so many more designs and actually make an attempt at making some money off of them. Cool.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why aren't shows this good anymore?
| |
| 4/15 2003 Terro 6/13 2003 Conve 7/8 2003 Hope Consp 9/13 2003 Bane, 10/ 11/ 2/7 2004 Death 7/10 2004 Agnos 7/22 2004 Comeb 11/6 2004 Bane, 2/11 2005 Strik 3/5 2005 Bane, 3/16 2005 7Seco Bands suck now. Shows suck now, for the most part. |
These are cool now.
Blink 182 is the best band ever.
Me and Roe have been writing some riffs and putting together some songs. Hopefully something happens with that. The new Earth Crisis is coming out in a couple months, I'm definitely more excited to hear this than anything else. Ever.
Here is my LastFm link -
I still don't have a job and I'm happy that way. I feel like a shit head just sitting around all day, drawing, playing video games and listening to music... but I feel like a way bigger shit head and worthless when I have a job, and work everyday. Life sucks either way. I do need money to finish my tattoos and to get more. I drew a possible chest piece that I will be posting once it's finished.
Blink 182 is still the best band ever.
Me and Roe have been writing some riffs and putting together some songs. Hopefully something happens with that. The new Earth Crisis is coming out in a couple months, I'm definitely more excited to hear this than anything else. Ever.
Here is my LastFm link -
I still don't have a job and I'm happy that way. I feel like a shit head just sitting around all day, drawing, playing video games and listening to music... but I feel like a way bigger shit head and worthless when I have a job, and work everyday. Life sucks either way. I do need money to finish my tattoos and to get more. I drew a possible chest piece that I will be posting once it's finished.
Blink 182 is still the best band ever.
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