Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season...
I really wish more of my friends were into them. They are seriously one of the best bands going right now. Earth Crisis, Set Your Goals and Bring Me The Horizon are the only bands I actually care about. That cd though, is so much different from their older cd's. Alot catchier and less death metalish or deathcore or whatever retarded thing it was called. I love their older cd's still, but this blows them away. They are also one of the tightest bands live I've ever seen. I even got Dan Mancini to bob his head to it, that to me seems like quite the feat.
I should have some rough, pencil and pen drawings posted sometime tomorrow. I feel like I didn't learn a damn thing about photoshop or illustrator in school. I need to use the programs and re-teach myself how to use them. I have photoshop, I just need illustrator. Once I get that down I can make so many more designs and actually make an attempt at making some money off of them. Cool.
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