Friday, February 6, 2009


Reunion and new cd?!
This could be the best news in the history of music.
Also April 21st, the new Earth Crisis album comes out.
This year also has a new Set Your Goals, Hope Con,
Most Precious Blood, possibly Bring Me The Horizon, Energy?!
Looks like a pretty damn good year.

Aside from flipping out about all that news, recently I haven't done anything.
Every day is the same, the same people come over every day.
Tony works so fucking much, I don't understand why or how he does it.
I might be printing some T-shirts and selling them
they could be Energy shirts or they could be something else.
I'm pretty excited about doing that, it's a way for me to make money
and to sell shirts for them, or whatever I do it for.
There might be some good things coming involving a girl
so I'm excited about that as well.

But yeah, Blink 182 is reuniting so everything is good
no matter what.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

....we need to talk, haha