Saturday, February 28, 2009


Yesterday was Little Jon's 18th birthday, we/he had a party. A ton of his friends were here and they are all hilarious, it was a really good time. I didn't go to BMTH because no one would drive me but oh well I'm definitely going Monday so that'll be good. I hope Josh can save me some Rockstar Guava's. Today I woke up around 1230 and just laid in bed for a while. Then I went to my mom's because my uncle Jim that I haven't seen/was missing for 11 years came to visit, so that was cool to hang out with him. My mom got RIDICULOUSLY drunk and was literally falling down knocking everything over, so I left. Now I'm home, played a few games of mario baseball, listening to Blink 182 and just relaxing. I think I'm staying in for the night. Tomorrow I have no plans, but at least I have Monday to look forward too.

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